Recent Posts

Remote Meetings

I’ve spent more than half a year working from home due to Covid-19. Since much of my work time is spent in meetings, I decided to share some of what I learne...


In case you missed it, I added a Now page several months ago, and I update it every couple of months.


Historically, I was not a fan of Facebook, to put it mildly. And yet, tomorrow is my first day working at Facebook.

Children - Science Education

If you are interested in teaching children to learn scientific teaching then I have just the blog for you! My wife has started putting her Chemistry PhD and...

Seattle and Trust

The family moved to Seattle a couple of weeks ago. We have a home with wonderful landlords, the kids are in school and daycare, and I’ll be starting a new jo...

Moving to Seattle

After many years of living and working in Jerusalem, the family is ready for an adventure – we’re moving to Seattle, Washington!

Freeware Game

These days I take my backup strategy pretty seriously (locally to an external drive and encrypted on the cloud using Backblaze). This wasn’t the case in the ...