Over the coming weeks (and months), I will be writing an ebook about how to fold crease patterns, which will be freely available once it is complete. I will post the work in progress chapters in this page as I write them, which will give everyone a chance to review and comment on them before the final “official” publication. Be sure to bookmark or sign up for the rss feed to receiver updates when new chapters are available.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction - Quick example, Why Bother, History
  2. How to Learn
  3. Four “‘Easy” Steps - Finding the reference points, Folding the creases, Collapsing and the Final Touches.
  4. Finding the Reference Points - Overview, Common Patterns, Using Reference Finder, Example Models
  5. Folding the Creases - Overview, Top to Bottom Approach, The Importance of Symmetry, Common Patterns, Example Models
  6. Collapsing - Overview, Common Patterns, Example Models
  7. Final Touches - Overview, No More Words
  8. Other Resources
  • Appendix - Catalog of common patterns
